Tail Paws


GDPR – Protection of Personal Information Law RFL AKVARYUM SİSTEMLERİ SAN VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. olarak kişisel verilerinizin güvenliği hususuna azami hassasiyet göstermekteyiz. Bu bilinçle, Şirket olarak, Şirkete ilişkin tüm şahıslara ait her türlü kişisel verilerin 6698 Sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK”)’na uygun olarak işlenerek, muhafaza edilmesine büyük önem atfetmekteyiz. Bu sorumluluğumuzun tam idraki […]

User Comments

What Do Users Say? Considering the different needs of our friends, we bring them together with suitable, natural and additive-free foods. Hello, I saw your treat food in a petshop and bought it just to try it, but my cat who has poor appetite tried to eat it as soon as I opened the package, […]

TailPaws – About Us

TailPaws – About Us Special foods for your friends.! With our ReeFlowers brand, we have been producing aquarium additives, feeds and water conditioners under the roof of RFL GROUP since 2009. We planted the first seeds of our Tailpaws brand in 2016. As a result of R&D studies, we combined our experience in the chemical […]